I welcome Ideas and possible collaborations with professionals
I welcome being able to work with a DNA research student so we can make and document DNA ART.
I welcome Figure models interested in modeling for Sculptural Nude Photography
I welcome the opportunity to work on commissioned or collaborative joint projects with Hot Glass artists and papermaking artists.
If you know of a project or subject matter that would make an important piece of Time and Matter Photography, please contact me.
I want to help create an Experimental Photo Image Center so other people (like myself) can help inspire new ways to create meaningful Photography .
An important part of ART is to be able to QUESTION and DISCUSS real life issues. By making pictures made of the subject’s matter, viewers will think beyond the image. For example: I made a picture of my mother years ago using her hair. *That picture reminds me that I am made from my mother.
I would like to make a picture of a mother and baby using their placenta.
I would like to find people who are willing share their life struggle and allow me to turn this into a Time and Matter Photo Art if the story is compelling.